HF Users,
In a follow up to the June 15th post (copied below for convenience):
Website links for Teflon container’s suppliers for HF
Part # 3754-06
180mL Low Profile PTFE Evaporating Dish with straight sides & spout, 40mm Height x 136mm OD
Price = $78.20
Dynalon Item #: 355314-0400
Item#: 5531-0400
List Price: $65.72
Low form evaporating dishes with pouring spout are manufactured from pure PTFE with heavy wall. Inert and useable to 260ºC. Smooth internal finish.
Diameter = 130 mm
Capacity = 400 ml
Notice to Users using HF:
We are seeing an increased usage of 48% HF being used. All 48% HF must be processed in Teflon containers not poly Styrofoam and in addition these containers must be in a secondary container so as to keep the entire system and process in double containment.
The INRF does not provide Teflon containers so users must provide their own.
INRF Staff