INRF & BiON Users,
This Monday 1/21/19 is a campus holiday, and as such will be like any other non-staffed time (evenings, weekend). Please plan accordingly.
Also, in the INRF, Laurell spinners 1 and 2 are offline for maintenance. They had a lot of build up and are going through a thorough cleaning.
INRF & BiON Wet Chemical Etch Users,
Due to the short staff tomorrow Fri Dec 21, 2018, the wet chemical etch rooms will not be open and available until 11am tomorrow versus the usual early morning time.
INRF & BiON Users,
Due to the upcoming holidays, the INRF and BiON will not be staffed as of end of business day Friday Dec 21 through and until Wed 1/2/19. These days will be treated as after-hours and like weekends. Reminder the wet etch rooms will be locked as per usual for non-staffed hours.
Happy Holidays,
INRF & BiON Users,
Facilities Management will be working on the DI water systems Monday Dec 17th – Wed Dec 19th. The DI water system will be unavailable during this time.
INRF & BiON Users,
INRF & BiON Users,
INRF & BiON Users,
Staff needs to clean up all expired chemicals in the INRF and BiON. We noticed there is a lot of SU-8 expired in particular. Please contact Richard at before next Wednesday November 7, 2018 5pm if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or have a particular need to keep anything. Otherwise staff will dispose all expired chemicals.
BiON Metal Etch RM 1422 Users,
The BiON Metal Etch RM 1422 is now offline. Processes will be moved to INRF RM 2320 and are expected to be available Thursday 10/18/18.
INRF & BiON Users,
For those whose processes may be sensitive to humidity, please take note that the humidity levels in both the BiON and INRF are out of tolerance and are real low. They are currently about 10-15% vs. the usual ~60%.