Integrated Nanosystems Research Facility


The SEM & FEI are down this morning due to Facilities monthly generator testing. Usually we have no problems but for some reason it tripped the system this morning. Jake will come in later this morning to get them back up.

Dear INRF and BiON Cleanroom Users,

We will be hosting our Annual Safety Meeting in collaboration with EH&S and the Fire Marshall. If you cannot attend, please email and we will schedule a separate time for you to come in.

*This meeting is mandatory and those absent will no longer be able to access the cleanroom*

The meeting is scheduled as follows:

Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Time: 1:00PM–  3:00PM

Place: Calit2 Auditorium

Thank you all for your cooperation in adhering to our safety policies!

It’s that time of year again for the dry “Santa Ana” weather so please be vigilant in checking the humidity percentage in the rooms before starting your process (especially in lithography). We are working with Facilities to address the issue but in the meantime just be aware.