Equipment Updates:
- The E-beam 1 experienced a high voltage problem on start up. The high voltage circuit needs to be repaired due to excessive amount of material deposited inside the chamber. We will clean the system, repair the damaged circuitry, disassemble and correct the high vacuum valve so it will open and close without hesitation. We are hoping the system will be available sometime next week.
- The Nanoimprinter back on-line. We drained the oil out of the foreline.
- We are expecting the CCD camera for the K&S 780 dicing saw shortly and the system should be back up by Wednesday.
- Oreol Flood exposure is still down and we did not have a chance to look at the power supply.
- The Karl Suess MA-6 is experiencing problem on channel two. The system is presently set at 5 milliwatts. If using system at 10 milliwatts you will need to double your exposure time. Jake will try to look at this system this weekend.
- The Critical point dryer received the O rings and we are planning a test run before the end of the week. Check website to verify system is back online.
INRF Staff